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Inbound Marketing (5)

Continuing Education: Marketing Certifications and Resources for 2020

I saw a great SEO presentation in Boston a couple years ago that really left a lasting impression. The expert explained some truly innovative tactics that I still use to this day, yet my enduring memory is actually about his background. He was a...

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The Beginner's Guide to Digital Marketing Analytics

Throughout the 20th Century, one of the biggest problems with marketing was that it was difficult to calculate its return on investment. Is that ad we placed in the newspaper last month really the reason we're seeing an uptick in store visits? Or,...

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The Modern Marketing Playbook: New Tactics to Try in 2019

With the start of a new year, comes the exciting opportunity to make a refreshing new start. The gyms are flooded with people trying to reach their fitness goals (or drop those extra holiday cookies), and people are making lists to get organized and...

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5 Unique Promotion Ideas for Marketing and Brand Awareness in 2019

As we kick off the new year, it can be difficult to come up with new, creative and unique promotional ideas that will help you meet your goals. If you are looking for new ways to get on the map, consider some of these oft-overlooked ideas for...

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Specialized Marketing Agencies and the Myth of the Full-Service Agency

Imagine you have a concern about your heart. You visit your regular doctor, they perform a few quick tests, offer some general advice, and then refer you to a cardiologist to look into the issue further. This happens all the time in medicine. You...

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Creating Quality Content with a Clear, Non-Aggressive Call to Action

SEO and social media are effective ways to attract potential customers to your website, but once those visitors arrive, what do you want them to do? Calls-to-action, commonly shortened to CTAs, are the guideposts you provide to tell your visitors...

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More Traffic, Less Work: Boost Blog Traffic Without Writing a New Post

It's a generally accepted truth that if you want more traffic, you just need to create more content. More blogs and website pages mean more opportunities for people to find your website. But what if I told you that isn't true, that all more content...

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How I Used Data Analytics to Increase Our Content Quality

In the quickly-evolving digital marketing space, it can be so easy to get distracted by all the shiny new strategies, tools, and tactics. It’s so easy to get lost trying to decode the latest Google algorithm or try a new SaaS tool, and then, we...

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HubSpot is Breaking Up with the Keyword Tool, Here's What to Do Next

If you haven't heard the news, HubSpot is sunsetting their keywords tool. The company has spent the better part of the last 10 years preaching the value of keyword-based content for SEO, but the landscape has changed so much that tactics and tools...

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Why Blog? A Scalable Process for Increasing Your SEO

According to Keywords Everywhere, 880 people are looking for the answer to the question, "why blog?" every single month, which tells us that blogging is one of the fastest, easiest, and most scalable ways to increase your SEO. Blogging can be a...

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