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What if Ideal Members
Found You?

Use inbound marketing and attract members who are the
right fit for your club, and ignore those who are not.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Imagine attracting members who are actively searching for a club like yours, and don’t even realize it. Instead of sending random direct mail and hoping for the best, inbound marketing attracts people who are unknowingly looking for your club. It's like having a magnet pull in the perfect members.

StoryTeller helps your club attract the next generation of members through strategic search engine optimization tactics. We then leverage lead management tools to nurture promising prospects, identify the “right fit” candidates, and streamline your membership team's efforts.

Inbound Marketing Process 

 STEP 1: Get Found

Getting found by prospective members and engaging them with helpful and informative content is the first part of our process. We work with you to identify the ideal prospective member you would like to reach and then create blogs, guides, and video content to help them find your club.

STEP 2: Inspire Action

Clear calls-to-action on your website and in emails help guide your prospects along in their journey. Address concerns, answer questions, and inspire readers to take the next step towards membership. 

STEP 3: Closing Leads
& Creating Loyalty

Strategic email campaigns keep you top of mind for your prospects and people on your waitlist. Track your contacts’ online activities to know exactly when to reach out with a personalized touchpoint. Improve retention by welcoming new members in ways that immediately connect them with all your club has to offer. 

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